Friday, April 24, 2015

People | All Things

Today I wrote a poem, thoughts on people and situations I have been facing recently hope you guys enjoy!


People are brought into our lives
for many reasons
to aid us or bait us
they either hurt us or help us
bless us or take us off of our path
guide us or break us
God gives us trials and blessings
to make us stronger and test our wits
sometimes I think they come in the form of a person
the blessings and trials I mean
poison like a snake or sweet like honey
to have the ability to see who is real and who is fake
who's good and who's bad
who's really there for you
and who will steal the shirt off your back?
who will give and who will take?
people are hard
hard to read or hard to trust
 hard to let in
but God gives us good ones
gives us strong ones
gives us ones that are worth the fight
gives us those you can trust, you can let in
people are put into our lives for many reasons
to grow with, learn with
to grow from, learn from
too many to count
but the ones worth counting
are special
to be able to say
"your my person"
is a blessing
Angels among us

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ladies Who Lunch

Lunch time is the best time! Friday was a rainy dreadful day so of course I skipped my three pm class and went to lunch with my Best friend Carolynne, who is both beautiful and new to the blogging world. Check her out here, she's great! We went to lunch and it was amazing! I  had soup both good for the soul and the heart, and I had shrimp rolls. Something I don't have or eat often is fish or seafood. I'm a vegetarian (technically a pescitarian) but I needed a protein boost and it was cold, so hot food was a must! The soup I had was a vegetable soup in an amazing mushroom broth, and we ate at this endearing restaurant called Basil. Cute, warm and cozy the perfect hideaway from the rain! 

The tea i sipped on was Jasmine tea and the teapot and individual cup it came with was oh SO very cute! 

                    This is Carolynne, she's my best friend and the blogger mentioned above, she's smart, funny, beautiful and has an amazing fashion sense, she also has a fascination and love for this lovely restaurant called Basil. 

The soup I ate really hit the spot, it warmed me from the inside out and was the perfect semi end to a rainy day! So many vegetables packed into such a wonderful mushroom broth, it is my favorite thing!
   The shrimp rolls were really good as well, it came with this sweet and tangy sauce that had red pepper flakes in it, it was both sweet and spicy. it really hit the spot! 

The restaurant is so endearing and has this amazing warm and cozy vibe to it with lots of tea lights and soft lighting. 
I was all too happy to be eating food and I had an amazing time eating out with my girl! We will definitely be there again soon! I hope you guys enjoy todays post! Go eat soup and be merry! Talk to you all again soon! 

Love you all! XO Shiesa C.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Fall outfit Idea #1 | Fallspiration

If you haven't go check out my YouTube video on fall outfit ideas this one of them. Its my favorite out of them all, both comfortable and warm.

 I had a lot of fun shooting this look for you guys, its been awhile since I've been in front of the camera as opposed to behind it and I had a blast! I'm a photography minor and I love any little project I can get my hands on. This outfit was a no brainier for me and I hope you guys like it as much as I do!

                    Top: AeroStyle Cardigan: WetSeal Jeans Forever21 Boots : WetSeal

                               I couldn't resist throwing in this cheeky little one for you guys!(:


 During School and during fall, I enjoy busting out the comfy and cute sweaters and cardigans and so I threw this look together, its cute enough to be worn any where and it also makes for something cozy to wear to class!

 I also really enjoy the fact that you can still get away with a crop-top in the fall, you just need a sweater to cover that belly!  Lol

Face is all me guys! Lol
I genuinely hope you guys enjoyed this post and this outfit, I put a lot of work into the outfit and the a shoot its self so enjoy! Comfort and fashion is possible guys I promise!! See ya later!!

                                               XO Shiesa C. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fallspiration: As told by Shiesa

    Hey guys Shiesa here, I’m back with a vengeance and oh how I've missed you all so MUCH! And were revamping! It’s been quite a while and for that I apologize, I truly enjoy blogging here on the interwebs for you guys. To be able to balance school, work, YouTube, blogging and just general life I’m going to blog once or twice a week instead of three. I need a little room to vegg out and watch YouTube too ya know?

    If you haven’t yet go check out my YouTube channel and my latest video, it’s a Fall outfits ides video! which leads me to my next point, this month will be a month of all things fall eventually leading into all things winter themed. This series will be called Fallspiration : As told by Shiesa , the things, tricks and tips to all things fall. This Friday will be an outfit post and Monday or Tuesday will, well you’ll just have to wait and see now won’t you?

   As bad as I've been with blogging or lack thereof I hope you guys still care for what I write. Because I’m changing and revamping my blog I want to let you guys know, it’s just me doing a lot more different types of blogs and being a little more free. I hope you guys enjoy and thanks a million and one for sticking by me.

Much Love xo Shiesa C. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

all that stress

too many things and not enough time? too many headaches and not enough sleep? you might be stressed
now if your new then disregard this statement lol, I've made a stress post already but as the time comes where the semester is almost over and finals are literally next week, i felt the need to chat on some maybe thoughts about dealing with the hair pulling, sleep reducing, book hitting stressful days I'm sure are fast approaching you as well like a bat out of hell or a train off its track's barreling towards you. i don't or rather didn't deal well with stress for a long time then i had an aha moment.

look at your stress in the perspective of you as a circle and your in a box, this box is your stress. overwhelming right? your box right now is probably huge. but now make a list of all the things that are stressing you out it doesn't matter what order, or what each thing is just make a list. now the things that aren't mental, like say a paper or an exam you need to study for. tackle that set aside a schedule or an allotted amount for all those things. less bearable right? smaller box now. (hopefully). with the mental aspects like say, your sad or angry at some major thing, sit down and asses why, who or what your *feeling* at or towards. now get up go make some tea and drink it. watch YouTube, zonk out to television, or read a book. don't over worry about these things take it make a list and go with it in steps and with your emotions mull over them and then talk it out or breath it out or even just let it go. in ten days is it going to matter? if it is then seriously talk it out and make lists galore. the box is now smaller,, yes? hopefully

last thing ill say before i go is that taking it and looking at in in size and shapes, stress that is, is a way to tackle the big scary thing in our guts and minds called stress. we cant help but become overwhelmed, but if we take it tackle it and shrink it down we can become better handled in the next situation. please take a moment and try this, hopefully it helps. love you all tons of love X's and Os shiesa.

read a book ( a leisure book NOT a textbook)
watch my favorite TV show
eating my favorite foods
reading blog posts
watching YouTube 
Talking with my best friends 
Window shopping online 

 i have a youtbe channel there i also have a youtube video on stress 
(dont laugh at my url)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Story of my life?

so again I'm in my English class, lols , all day every day.....
i enjoyed writing a poem in my last post so i thought what the hell lets do another one!!

this one is a thought provoker (aren't they all)


how do you do that so well?
no worry lines, no dark circles
smiles every day
 no need to complain or make it seem like there's this constant rain?
you positive, happy and you let it be....
i wish i could be like you
breath slowly and take it with stride
i don't know why i cant
yet i envy you all the same
how, please tell me do you carry yourself in this way?
is there a frame work, a game at play
i haven't invested in?
i want to be and breath
smile so simply
teach me?
its not hard
heady or tough
 all i do is throw in some trust
the day will go well smooth and calm
as long as you realize
God's got it
hes on our side
next week tomorrow or in an hour
these things that make us worry so
wont matter wont bother
because it is gone
there's more in this world and more at cost
than the petty things that seem so big
we worry we cry
but why?
just breath
just breath
its easier to do so
just breath just breath
because life is short
the little don't matter and the good is better
don't worry don't fuss
just breath just breath.....

Friday, March 21, 2014

its been quite a while

So guys i kind of fell off the face of the blogging world and for that i am sorry. i truly apologize.....
 i have been extremely busy with class and my work and with of all things YouTube. but i swear i didn't forget about my blog life. today's blog coincidentally is a poem by me for you.....

Stomp The Ground
id be lying if i said it didn't hurt me
when you pushed me down
 when you treated me like i was nothing more than the ground!
do i look like an ant?
something you can just stomp down?
it affected me i wont lie
but I'm stronger because of it
 i rose up
I'm high above the sky
i wont fall falter or cry
you're not worth my time
what do i look like? surely no ant am i
i will stomp the ground
shake the world
and surely make you proud
haha you thought you made me weak
 when in reality you made me, me
i understand now why you did it
but just so you know
i did it i won
I'm no amoeba in you mind
 I'm a giant
i stand tall proud and beautiful
ready to stomp the ground
ready to stomp the ground 

there it is a poem i have been working on, the lowercase letters are on purpose and i hope you enjoyed it and i hope you got a little inspiration from it. if you didn't know I'm Shiesa i like to write........
see you soon,, I'm going to try to post more often i promise. i love you all.